there was once, my dog was stricken by paralysis from waist down. (do dogs even have a waist? hahah ok, paralysed in her 4 legs)
it took 10 vet visits (in 10 days), 2 vets and no answers. but she became well again.
of coz, we prayed to God to heal her. and He did.
then, someone asked in a discussion, if it was an insult to God that we had seeked vets' advice. we shld have trust in Him 100% and let Him heal her.
the reply was that God gave us a brain and He gave us contacts and He works thru the docs to heal my dog.
same as for other peoples' sickness.
"we cannot just sit and pray. we have to act and support our actions with prayer"
it got me thinkin.. sometime back, a fren asked him, if i were to be abducted and raped, will he not come to my rescue?
his answer was 'no', and that he will pray instead. (unless he meant otherwise, but he gave me the impression that what he meant was this)
now i am thinkin.... with reference to my dog's case, shld he not try to rescue me then?
just thinking.. hahaha.. but it's in the past!!! why rake up the past.
i watched War of the Worlds today.
the story is different from the book. but nevertheless, Tom Cruise made me drool buckets. he's ever so charming even tho he was an asshole daddy in the show (in the beginning).
the aliens were diff from the book too.
the era is diff.. the characters were diff.....
and as with most of Steven S' movies, the ending is crappy.... (check out A.I man... *rolls eyes*)
all in all, i enjoyed it.
the effects were superb. the acting was almost flawless.
im glad one of my fav childhood storybooks is made into a movie. :D
i just wonder why GV's adverts are sooooooo long.... and during the adverts, i keep dropping popcorn into my cleavage...
J dropped hers into her cleavage too...
messy eaters....
in the toilets after the show, we overheard *ahem*not*so*clever*people*ahem* wondering why the aliens died...
i figured that if the narrative wasnt clear enough, maybe they should go back to school.
quote from girl-in-the-toilet:
"ehh but very funny hor? they never say how the aliens died!"
her friend:
"ya lor! not good one!"
*rolls eyes to Paris and rolls them back*
two more movies on my list~!
- Mr and Mrs Smith
- Fantastic 4 (i can do without this actually.... just thot the effects were good)
i also need to get the DVD for UNCENSORED version of Trainspotting.
anyone? knows? where? i? can? borrow? this?
eeks.. this is freaky.. my blog is becoming personal...
im thinking of a song....
i shant post the lyrics here but rather, i shall post the link to the lyrics:
Hoobastank "The Reason"
and to the 1st annoymous person who commented in my previous post on what happened to me. i summarize...
nothing in my life is going right at this point of time.
nothing at all.
it's a whole string of unfortunate events. but i guess im not the only pathetic soul on earth who has to go thru these shits.
other people have things to worry about too!
ah yes, i may be weak... but i have the courage to admit that im weak. and i have the strength to carry on.
i also appreciate that since i allow public to comment, instead of limiting to just Blogger users, pls sign ur name/nick at the bottom of ur comments. just for courtesy's sake.
thank u. ども ありがとう ございます。 谢谢。
it took 10 vet visits (in 10 days), 2 vets and no answers. but she became well again.
of coz, we prayed to God to heal her. and He did.
then, someone asked in a discussion, if it was an insult to God that we had seeked vets' advice. we shld have trust in Him 100% and let Him heal her.
the reply was that God gave us a brain and He gave us contacts and He works thru the docs to heal my dog.
same as for other peoples' sickness.
"we cannot just sit and pray. we have to act and support our actions with prayer"
it got me thinkin.. sometime back, a fren asked him, if i were to be abducted and raped, will he not come to my rescue?
his answer was 'no', and that he will pray instead. (unless he meant otherwise, but he gave me the impression that what he meant was this)
now i am thinkin.... with reference to my dog's case, shld he not try to rescue me then?
just thinking.. hahaha.. but it's in the past!!! why rake up the past.
i watched War of the Worlds today.
the story is different from the book. but nevertheless, Tom Cruise made me drool buckets. he's ever so charming even tho he was an asshole daddy in the show (in the beginning).
the aliens were diff from the book too.
the era is diff.. the characters were diff.....
and as with most of Steven S' movies, the ending is crappy.... (check out A.I man... *rolls eyes*)
all in all, i enjoyed it.
the effects were superb. the acting was almost flawless.
im glad one of my fav childhood storybooks is made into a movie. :D
i just wonder why GV's adverts are sooooooo long.... and during the adverts, i keep dropping popcorn into my cleavage...
J dropped hers into her cleavage too...
messy eaters....
in the toilets after the show, we overheard *ahem*not*so*clever*people*ahem* wondering why the aliens died...
i figured that if the narrative wasnt clear enough, maybe they should go back to school.
quote from girl-in-the-toilet:
"ehh but very funny hor? they never say how the aliens died!"
her friend:
"ya lor! not good one!"
*rolls eyes to Paris and rolls them back*
two more movies on my list~!
- Mr and Mrs Smith
- Fantastic 4 (i can do without this actually.... just thot the effects were good)
i also need to get the DVD for UNCENSORED version of Trainspotting.
anyone? knows? where? i? can? borrow? this?
eeks.. this is freaky.. my blog is becoming personal...
im thinking of a song....
i shant post the lyrics here but rather, i shall post the link to the lyrics:
Hoobastank "The Reason"
and to the 1st annoymous person who commented in my previous post on what happened to me. i summarize...
nothing in my life is going right at this point of time.
nothing at all.
it's a whole string of unfortunate events. but i guess im not the only pathetic soul on earth who has to go thru these shits.
other people have things to worry about too!
ah yes, i may be weak... but i have the courage to admit that im weak. and i have the strength to carry on.
i also appreciate that since i allow public to comment, instead of limiting to just Blogger users, pls sign ur name/nick at the bottom of ur comments. just for courtesy's sake.
thank u. ども ありがとう ございます。 谢谢。
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